Formation of Centre of Excellence
to Promote Teacher Education for ESD



2019 Activity

Book, Journal Article and Conference Proceeding/Abstract

  1. Hariyono, E., Madlazim, & Anggrayni, S. (2019). The effectiveness of volcanology learning through inquiry based on education for sustainable development (ESD). Journal of Science Education, 20(2), pp.108-116.
  2. Jauhariyah, M. N. R., Hariyono, E., Abidin, E. N., & Prahani, B. K. (2019). Fostering prospective physics teachers’ creativity in analysing education for sustainable development based curricula. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1417, No. 012086.
  3. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Widodo A., & Hariyono, E. (2019). The development of ESD on curriculum’s science teaching material. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.42.
  4. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Muslim, & Hariyono E. (2019). The profile of ESD on curriculum implementation in junior and senior high school level in Indonesia. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.5-6.
  5. Doi, T., & Kishimoto, T. (2019). Teaching elementary pupils about alien species. Abstracts of the 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 3 pages.
  6. Doi, T. (2019). Elementary school teachers’ awareness about disaster risk education - A case study in the area where natural disasters rarely occur -. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.67.
  7. Doi, T., & Kishimoto, T. (2019). Teaching elementary pupils about alien species. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.7-8.
  8. Namba, K., & Fujii, H. (2019). Science lesson in junior high school focused on the relationship between global warming and heavy rainfall. Abstracts of the 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 3 pages.
  9. Maruyama, K., & Fujii, H. (2019). Junior high school science lessons for fostering decision making: A focus on organ transplantation, Abstracts of the 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, 3 pages.
  10. Fujii, H., & Kuwabara, T. (2019). Progress from 2017 to 2018 of the JSPS Core-to-Core Programme “Formation of International Centre of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education on ESD”. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.5.
  11. Ichinose, T. (2019). The effectiveness of the methods and approaches of ESD for 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; From analysis of the questionnaire survey to the school teachers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1417, No. 012072.
  12. Ichinose, T. (2019). A consideration about the teacher training targeted for the recent trend of “ESD for SDGs”. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.7.
  13. Kato, K., Kato, H., & Kuwana, Y. (2019). Climate and music (Summary of our interdisciplinary lesson studies toward development of the climate and cultural understanding education in ESD spreading from the “Doors of Song”). Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.47.
  14. Kato. K., & Matsumoto, K. (2019). Toward development of lesson plans on climate variability and disaster prevention education in ESD with attention to the great variety of heavy rainfall characteristics with respect to season and region in East Asia. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.65.
  15. Sasaki, H. (2019). A proposal to practice education for sustainable development in the period for integrated studies to penetrate school in Japan, Chugokugakuen Journal, Vol.18, pp.13-19.
  16. Sasaki, H. (2019). An investigation of blended learning in at-home and in-school education of information ethics using tablet PCs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1280, No. 032044.
  17. Sasaki, H. (2019). Introducing self-study of teacher education practices (S-STEP) for ESD. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.6-7.
  18. Sato, S., & Shinohara, Y. (2019). Development of home economics classes from an ESD perspective: Examining the practice of the 2018 liberal arts education subject “Contemporary issues in education (Lifestyle and environment)” at Okayama University. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.80.
  19. Siboualipha, S. (2019). Mapping curriculum to address sustainability for the secondary teacher education program (biology) at Bankeun Teacher College (Lao PDR). Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.66-67.
  20. Siboualipha, S. (2019). Development of frameworks for building teachers’ competences on education for sustainable development (ESD) at Bankeun Teacher College (Lao PDR). Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.8-9.
  21. Jargalsaikhan, D., Dembereldorj, U., & Banzragch, B. (2019). Mongolia - Japan joint teacher training programme for ESD: Education for sustainable development and global citizenship education. In Handbook for Teachers, co-organized with National University of Mongolia and Tokyo Gakugei University, Ulaanbaatar: NUM Press.
  22. Jargalsaikhan, D., Dembereldorj, U., & Jamiyan, D. (2019). Mongolia - Japan joint teacher training programme for ESD: Towards achieving the sustainable development goals through education. In Handbook for Teachers, co-organized by National University of Mongolia and Okayama University, Ulaanbaatar: NUM Press.
  23. Jargalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Tsenddavaa, A., Dembereldorj, U., & Munkhuu, G. (2019). Teachers understanding and general state of reflecting ESD in the lesson. Scientific Transaction of the National University of Mongolia PHYSICS, 29 (518), pp.104-108.
  24. Munkhuu, G., Banzragch, B., Nasanbuyan, S., Dembereldorj, U., & Oyunbat, M. (2019). XXI century Meta-STEM education. Scientific Transaction of the National University of Mongolia PHYSICS, 29 (518), pp.112-115.
  25. Dembereldorj, U., Jadamba, M., Jargaldsaikhan, D., & Munkhuu, G. (2019). The opportunity to educate ESD through STEM education in primary education level. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, pp.74-75.
  26. Jargalsaikhan, D., Ganbat, M., Dembereldorj, U., & Oyunbat, M. (2019). Development of metacognitive skills in Mongolian National Science Curriculum. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.86.
  27. Jargaldsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Munkhuu, M., Dembereldorj, U., Khanakhuu, B., & Oyunbaatar, M. (2019). Implementing teacher competency framework in the professional university pre-service teacher training program. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.9.
  28. San Aye (2019). Integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) into middle school science teaching through lesson study, Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.50.
  29. San Aye (2019). Introduction of education for sustainable development (ESD) concept to in-service science teachers. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.9-10.
  30. Yuki Ishiyama, Yi-Hsuan Tim Hsu, Sue-Jung Jung, & Sun-Kyung Lee (2019). Comparative study of national parks in East Asia as environmental education institutions. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 28(4), 13-20.
  31. Kimiharu To, Tzuchau Chang, Chankook Kim, Sun-Kyung Lee, Ryo Sakurai, Sachi Ninomiya-Lim, Noriko Hata, Junko Katayama, & Shinichi Furihata (2019). International collaborative research possibilities for environmental education in Asia. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 28(4), 77-84.
  32. Sun-Kyung Lee (2019). A case study on professional learning community of teachers in science education based on the collaboration of a national university of education and its affiliated elementary school. In Shim, Yeong-Taek, Sun-Kyung Lee et al. (Eds.), School Culture and Teachers’ Learning Community (pp.496-529). Seoul: Kyoyuk Gongdongche Beot.
  33. Sun-Kyung Lee (2020). Teachers’ professional development for elementary science education for the future: Future generation, competencies and professional learning communities of teachers. Proceedings of the 78th Winter Conference of Korea Elementary Science Education, pp.17-38.
  34. Chankook Kim, & DuGon Lee (2019). Incorporating ESD to a teacher education university in Korea: The experience of Korea National University of Education. Conference Book of the 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, p.66.
  35. Sun-Kyung Lee (2019). A case of environmental education for sustainability for elementary teachers in graduate studies. Meeting Abstracts of the 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.10-11.

【In Japanese】

  1. 土井徹 (2019). 中学生の外来生物に関する認識を把握するための予備調査. 環境教育, 29(2), pp.44-48.
  2. 藤井浩樹 (2019). SDGsのための教育の登場と理科教育の課題. 理科の教育, 68(10), pp.9-12.
  3. 市瀬智紀 (2019). 持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD)と地域の教育政策に関する一考察. 宮城教育大学教員キャリア研究機構紀要, 第1巻,pp.59-69.
  4. 市瀬智紀 (2019). 学校におけるESDの教育実践を教員はどう認識しているのか:質問紙調査結果の一考察. ESD研究, 第2号,pp.3-12.
  5. 加藤晴子, 加藤内藏進 (2020). 気候と音楽 学際的学習実践ハンドブック-ESD的視点から文化や環境を見る眼・感じる眼を育てる-. 三恵社,全48頁.
  6. 桑名佑典, 加藤内藏進 (2020). ヨーロッパ北西部における低気圧活動の季節サイクルに関する総観気候学的研究(2000年における事例解析). 地域地理研究,25(1),in press.
  7. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, 松本健吾, 大谷和男 (2019). ドイツ・北欧と日本の「夏」の気候や季節感の違いに注目して音楽と連携した大学での学際的ESD授業開発. 岡山大学地球科学研究報告, 26, pp.25-36.
  8. 宮野純次 (2020). ドイツ初等理科における持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD)の構想と展開. 京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要, 第16号, pp.49-58.
  9. 能條歩 (2019). 日本環境教育学会第30回年次大会(山梨)報告-公開シンポジウムの記録- III シンポジウム 環境教育の30年をふりかえって~量質転化と系統化・体系化~. 環境教育, 29(2), p.10.
  10. 能條歩, 岩崎裕 (2020). 地震災害を経験した大学生による減災教育の評価-SDGsの達成に向けたクロスカリキュラムによる減災教育-. 北海道教育大学紀要(教育科学編), 70(2), pp.187-197
  11. 山田亮, 白岡千帆里, 能條歩 (2020). 福島県在住の小中学生を対象とした森林体験を伴う自然体験活動が生きる力と自然との共生観に及ぼす効果. 日本森林学会誌, 102, pp.69-76.
  12. 渡邉重義,宮村景 (2019). 熊本地震の被災中学校における地域の自然を活用した探究学習-自然の見方の変容を導く教材開発と授業実践-. 熊本大学教育学部紀要, 第68号, pp.239-247.

Research Presentation in International Conference and Seminar

  1. Rusdiana, D., Wijaya, A. F. C., & Amsor, The profile of ESD on curriculum implementation in junior and senior high school level in Indonesia. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 12th October 2019.
  2. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Widodo A., & Hariyono, E., The development of ESD on curriculum’s science teaching material. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 23rd November 2019.
  3. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Muslim, & Hariyono E., The profile of ESD on curriculum implementation in junior and senior high school level in Indonesia. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  4. Doi, T., & Kishimoto, T., Teaching elementary pupils about alien species. The 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Bologna: Italy, Oral presentation, 27th August 2019.
  5. Doi, T., Elementary school teachers’ awareness about disaster risk education - A case study in the area where natural disasters rarely occur -. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 24th November 2019.
  6. Doi, T., & Kishimoto, T., Teaching elementary pupils about alien species. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  7. Fujii, H., Creating Asia-Pacific ESD teacher competency framework. The 2nd Mongolia-Japan Joint Teacher Training Programme for ESD, organized by National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar: Mongolia, Invited speech, 14th January 2020.
  8. Fujii, H., Progress of teacher education towards achieving ESD for 2030, 1st International Forum “Modern Trends in Teacher Education”, organized by Abai Kazkh National Pedagogical University, Almaty: Kazakhstan, Invited speech, 20th June 2019.
  9. Fujii, H., Innovative lesson plans in school for broadening sustainable society. The 7th Asia-Pacific Expert Meeting on ESD and the Seminar on ESD in Rural Areas, Qing Long Hebei: China, Invited speech, 26th June 2019.
  10. Fujii, H., & Kuwabara, T., Progress from 2017 to 2018 of the JSPS Core-to-Core Programme “Formation of International Centre of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education on ESD”. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  11. Namba, K., & Fujii, H., Science lesson in junior high school focused on the relationship between global warming and heavy rainfall. The 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Bologna: Italy, Oral presentation, 29th August 2019.
  12. Maruyama, K., & Fujii, H., Junior high school science lessons for fostering decision making: A focus on organ transplantation. The 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, Bologna: Italy, Oral presentation, 29th August 2019.
  13. Ichinose, T., Recent trend of ESD for 2030 (SDGs) and introduction of the enhancement of ESD/SDGs by Miyagi University of Education, DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) Education Open Forum on the Perspective of ESD for 2030, Joint Meeting of the ProSPER.Net, 13th General Assembly and 19th Board Meeting, Sendai: Japan, Keynote speech, 19th October 2019.
  14. Ichinose, T., A short introduction of rural ecological civilization and education for sustainable development in Japan. The 7th Asia-Pacific Expert Meeting on ESD and the Seminar on ESD in Rural Areas, Qing Long Hebei: China, Invited speech, 26th June 2019.
  15. Ichinose, T., An introduction of the recent Japanese educational reform and the ESD’s contribution to the quality of education. The 13th National Workshop on ESD and the 20th Anniversary Summary Meeting on ESD, Beijing: China, Invited speech, 11th November 2019.
  16. Ichinose, T., A consideration about the teacher training targeted for the recent trend of “ESD for SDGs”. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promotion Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  17. Kato, K., & Kato, H., Climate and music (Toward promoting the cultural understanding and ESD spreading from the “Doors of Song”). EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna: Austria, Oral presentation, 9th April 2019.
  18. Kuwana, Y., & Kato, K., Further examination of the seasonal cycle of cyclone activity and climatological situation around the northwestern Europe (A case study for 2000). EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna: Austria, Poster presentation, 9th April 2019.
  19. Kato, K., Kato, H., & Kuwana, Y. (2019). Climate and music (Summary of our interdisciplinary lesson studies toward development of the climate and cultural understanding education in ESD spreading from the “Doors of Song”). 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 23rd November 2019.
  20. Kato. K., & Matsumoto, K. (2019). Toward development of lesson plans on climate variability and disaster prevention education in ESD with attention to the great variety of heavy rainfall characteristics with respect to season and region in East Asia. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 24th November 2019.
  21. Sasaki, H., Introducing self-study of teacher education practices (S-STEP) for ESD. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  22. Sato, S., & Shinohara, Y., Development of home economics classes from an ESD perspective: Examining the practice of the 2018 liberal arts education subject “Contemporary issues in education (Lifestyle and environment)” at Okayama University. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Poster presentation, 23rd November 2019.
  23. Siboualipha, S., Mapping curriculum to address sustainability for the secondary teacher education program (biology) at Bankeun Teacher College (Lao PDR). 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 24th November 2019.
  24. Siboualipha, S., Development of frameworks for building teachers’ competences on education for sustainable development (ESD) at Bankeun Teacher College (Lao PDR). The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  25. Dembereldorj, U., & Tsoodol, B., STEM education in Mongolia. Regional STEM Symposium, Bangkok: Thailand, Oral presentation, May 2019.
  26. Dembereldorj, U., Jadamba, M., Jargaldsaikhan, D., & Munkhuu, G., The opportunity to educate ESD through STEM education in primary education level. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 24th November 2019.
  27. Jargalsaikhan, D., Ganbat, M., Dembereldorj, U., & Oyunbat, M., Development of metacognitive skills in Mongolian National Science Curriculum. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Poster presentation, 23rd November 2019.
  28. Jargaldsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Munkhuu, M., Dembereldorj, U., Khanakhuu, B., & Oyunbaatar, M., Implementing teacher competency framework in the professional university pre-service teacher training program. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  29. San Aye, Integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) into middle school science teaching through lesson study, 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 23rd November 2019.
  30. San Aye, Introduction of education for sustainable development (ESD) concept to in-service science teachers. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  31. Sun-Kyung Lee, Teachers’ professional development for elementary science education for the future: Future generation, competencies and professional learning communities of teachers. Proceedings of the 78th Winter Conference of Korea Elementary Science Education, Kwangju: Korea, Oral presentation, 11th January 2020.
  32. Sun-Kyung Lee, 20 Years old TEEN : A mature learning community for environmental education in China, Japan & Korea. The 20th Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN) Symposium, Hangzhou: China, Invited speech, 27th October 2019.
  33. Sun-Kyung Lee. A case of environmental education for sustainability for elementary teachers in graduate studies. The 6th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Yangon: Myanmar, Oral presentation, 9th July 2019.
  34. Hyeongson Ju, Sun-Kyung Lee, & Namsoo Kim, Exploring whole-school approaches to education for sustainable development. The 10th World Environmental Education Congress, Bangkok: Thailand, Oral presentation, 4th November 2019.
  35. Sun-Kyung Lee et al., A basic research to prepare strategies for strengthening environmental education in the Next National Curriculum. 2019 Winter Conference of Korean Society for Environmental Education, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 7th December 2019.
  36. Chankook Kim, & DuGon Lee, Incorporating ESD to a teacher education university in Korea: The experience of Korea National University of Education. 2019 Global Conference of Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 24th November 2019.

Research Presentation in Domestic Conference and Seminar

  1. Maharis, M. R., Ramalis, T. R., & Wijaya, A. F. C., Cooperative learning type think pair and share (TPS) Dengan Konteks education sustainable development Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menganalisis Gejala Dan Dempak Pemanasan global. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  2. Pratiwi, I. I., Wijaya, A. F. C., & Ramalis, T. R., Penerapan Pbl Dengan Konteks ESD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Peserta Didik. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  3. Heryani, T. P., Suwarma, I. R., Danawan, A., & Wijaya, A. F. C., Penerapan model real world situation problem based learning Menggunakan Konteks ESD Dalam Meningkatkan sustainability awareness Siswa Di Kelas X. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  4. Nurpianti, S., Sutrisno, & Wijaya, A. F. C., Implementasi Model Flipped Classroom berbasis Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (PPB) dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  5. Luhmalla, T. D., Suyana, I., & Wijaya, A. F. C., Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Berbasis ESD Untuk Membangun Profil Sustainability Awareness Siswa. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  6. Wijaya, A. F. C., & Amsor, Integrasi ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) dalam Perkuliahan untuk Memetakan Profil ESD Awareness dan Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika. National Seminar on Physics 2019, Palu: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 28 September 2019.
  7. Dembereldorj, U., Jadamba, M., Jargaldsaikhan, D., & Munkhuu, G., The Opportunity to Educate ESD through STEM Education in Primary Education Level, November 2019.
  8. San Aye, San San Maw, & Yin Mar Win, In-service teachers’ perception towards education for sustainable development (ESD) in Myanmar. Research Seminar in Commemoration of 26th Anniversary of Sagaing University of Education, 2019.
  9. San Aye, San San Maw, & Yin Mar Win, Integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) into middle school science teaching through lesson study. The 19th Research Conference of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, October 2019.
  10. 【In Japanese】

  11. 土井徹, 小学校における外来種問題に関する授業開発と評価-生物多様性に関する問題に対して適切に判断する力を高めるために-. 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年9月23日.
  12. 高橋満彦, 大宅裕紀, 土井徹, 小中学校の教科書における野生動物保護管理の取り扱い. 第25回「野生生物と社会」学会大会, 金沢:日本, ポスター発表, 2019年11月23日.
  13. 藤井浩樹, 土井徹, ドイツの科学系博物館における気候変動教育のプログラム-「クリーマハウス・ブレーマーハーフェン 東経8度」の事例-. 日本科学教育学会第43回年会, 宇都宮:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年8月23日.
  14. 藤井浩樹, Society 5.0と持続可能な社会づくり-新学習指導要領における理科教育の課題-. シンポジウム「Society 5.0と新学習指導要領」, 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 招待講演, 2019年9月23日.
  15. 難波賢太, 藤井浩樹, 気候変動を題材とした中学校理科の単元開発-生徒のデータ分析力の育成をめざして-. 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年9月23日.
  16. 丸山航平,藤井浩樹,臓器移植を題材とした中学校理科の授業開発-生徒の判断力に注目して-. 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年9月23日.
  17. 板谷拓海, 藤井浩樹, プラスチックとのつきあい方について考える理科授業-中学校第1学年「マイクロプラスチック」をテーマとして-. 第68回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会, 山口:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年11月30日.
  18. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, 歌から広がる学際的気候・文化理解教育とESD(日本やドイツ,北欧の季節サイクルと季節感を接点に). 日本気象学会秋季全国大会, 福岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年10月31日.
  19. 桑名佑典, 加藤内藏進, ヨーロッパにおける低気圧活動の季節サイクルとθeでみる日々の安定度の変動(2000年を例に). 日本気象学会秋季全国大会, 福岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年10月29日.
  20. 三宅千尋, 加藤内藏進, 桑名佑典, 大谷和男, 冬をはさむ季節進行の中でみたドイツ付近の日々の気温変動に関連した総観気候学的解析(東アジアとの比較の視点から). 日本気象学会秋季大会, 福岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年10月29日.
  21. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, 大谷和男, ドイツ・北欧と日本の「夏」の気候と季節感の違いに注目した大学での授業実践-ESD的視点の育成へ向けた気候と音楽との学際的連携-. 日本気象学会関西支部中国地区例会, 口頭発表, 岡山:日本, 2019年12月21日.
  22. 桑原敏典, 田中一裕, 橋本康弘, 渡部竜也, 井上昌善, 古野香織, 別木萌果, 高畑昌志, 山田凪紗, 山田真珠, 地域社会と連携して展開する主権者教育の方法と課題-各地の事例報告をふまえて-. 全国社会科教育学会, 島根:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年11月9日.
  23. 宮野純次, ドイツ初等理科における持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD)の構想と展開. 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年9月22日.
  24. 高田研, 今泉吉晴, 能條歩, 原賀いずみ, 二ノ宮リムさち, 中村和彦, 環境教育これからの30年を考える. 日本環境教育学会第30回記念大会公開シンポジウム「自然と教育・・・初心へ」, 北杜:日本, シンポジウムパネラー, 2019年8月24日.
  25. 宮村景, 渡邉重義, 熊本地震の被災中学校における「大地の成り立ちと変化」の探究学習, 平成30年度日本理科教育学会九州支部大会, 佐賀:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年6月8日.
  26. 渡邉重義, 宮村景, 熊本地震の被災中学校における「大地の成り立ち」の探究学習2, 日本理科教育学会第69回全国大会, 静岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年9月22日.



  1. Dembereldorj, U. (2019). The quality of physics lesson and XXI century skills, The Teacher Training Cource Handbook (5th year experienced teachers) . pp.43-45.
  2. Dembereldorj, U. (2020). The result evaluation of the ESD based physics lesson, The Teacher Training Cource Handbook (1st year experienced teachers) . pp.16-21.


  1. Sun-Kyung Lee, & Hyeongson Ju et al. (2020). A research of the strategies for strengthening environmental education in the Next National Curriculum. Korean Society for Environmental Education, Ministry of Environment, Korea.
  2. Sun-Kyung Lee et al. (2019). 2019 Report of collaboration of environmental education among China, Japan and Korea and International Symposium. Korean Society for Environmental Education, Ministry of Environment, Korea.
  3. Nam-Gyoon Kim, & Sun-Kyung Lee et al. (2019). 2019 Comprehensive evaluation report of innovative schools in Chungbuk Province (Happiness Seed School) . Chungbuk Office of Education.
  4. Eun-Ju Lee, & Sun-Kyung Lee et al. (2019). Development of Chungbuk Innovation Future School model for deepening the quality of Happy Seed Schools. Chungbuk Office of Education.

Lecture Module Draft

  1. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Ramalis, T. R., & Muslim (2020). Fisika untuk Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Physics for Education for Sustainable Development).

2018 Activity

Book, Journal Article and Conference Proceeding/Abstract

  1. Hariyono, E., Abadi, Liliasari, Wijaya, A. F. C., & Fujii, H. (2018). Designing geoscience learning for sustainable development: A professional competency assessment for postgraduate students in science education program. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 8(2), pp.61-70.
  2. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Muslim, & Hariyono, E. (2018). ESD on curriculum and ESD in curriculum: A strategy to infuse ESD to the science teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.231.
  3. Salsabila, E. R., Wijaya, A. F. C., & Winarno, N. (2018). Using argument-driven inquiry to promote students’ concept mastery in learning global warming. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.243.
  4. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Hariyono, E., & Muslim (2018). Students’ perception and the strategy of infusing ESD on pre-service physics and science teacher curriculum in Indonesia. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, pp.3-14.
  5. Wijaya, A. F. C., & Muslim (2018). Education for sustainable development (ESD) learning material development for secondary school science curriculum. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.68.
  6. Onodera, K., & Fujii, H. (2018). Development of model lesson using folk tales in science education: Exploring rivers through story and science in elementary school. International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice, 20(1), pp.1-10.
  7. Fujii, H. (2018). Prospective science teachers' training programs incorporating ESD: Based on lesson study. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, pp.15-21.
  8. Fujii, H. (2018). Development of science teachers’ training programs focused on ESD: Experiences in the Asian countries. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.3.
  9. Kato, K., & Kato, H. (2018). A trial of music composition on a theme of the marching season from spring to summer around the Japan Islands (An interdisciplinary class for the university students toward the cultural understanding in ESD). Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.65.
  10. Kato, K., Kuwana, Y., Morishia, H., Kato, H., & Otani, K. (2018). Toward the development of study programs on the seasonal cycles of weather and climate systems around Japan on ESD. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.66.
  11. Kato, K., Kato, H., Matsumoto, K., & Otani, K. (2018). Toward development of the lesson plans for promoting the ESD literacy in the teacher education on the climate systems including the interdisciplinary activity with cultural understanding. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.228.
  12. Doi, T. (2018). The Changes in students’ recognition through lessons about introduced species. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.225.
  13. Doi, T. (2018). Comparison with the current state of the alien species problem and description of textbook in Japan. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.67.
  14. Ohshika, K. (2018). Development and practice of ESD program to understand local environmental issue by high school students. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.76.
  15. Furihata, S., & Kawamura, S. (2018). Possibility of using Omoshiro Jikken (the fascinating experiment) to teach science. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.80.
  16. . Sasaki, H. (2018). Proposal of a procedure to make student teachers recognize their gained skills and competencies of ESD. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.81.
  17. . Sasaki, H. (2018). An investigation of blended learning in at-home and in-school moral education using tablet PCs. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.229.
  18. Ichinose, T. (2018). Introduction of the effectiveness and barriers of school-enhancing education for sustainable development in Japan. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.82.
  19. Ichinose, T. (2018). An analysis of the recent Japanese education reform and education for sustainable development. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.226.
  20. Siboualipha, S. (2018). Integrating curriculum to address sustainability in Lao PDR. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, pp.22-44.
  21. Siboualipha, S., & Chanhthamala, C. (2018). Integrating a curriculum for the secondary teacher education program which majored in biology at Bankeun Teacher Training College to address sustainability. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.69.
  22. Siboualipha, S., & Chanhthamala, C. (2018). Re-orienting curriculum to address sustainability in Lao PDR. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.230.
  23. Jalgalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Orsoo, O., Ochirbat, M., & Dembereldorj, U. (2018). Activities for sustainable future. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, pp.45-55.
  24. Jalgalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Orsoo, O., Ochirbat, M., & Dembereldorj, U. (2018). Implementation form of “Global Action Program” in school. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.78.
  25. Dembereldorj, U., Jalgalsaikhan, D., & Banzragch, B. (2018). Teacher education content framework on ESD-GAP. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.227.
  26. Win, Y., & Maw, S. (2018). ESD practice in Myanmar education. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, pp.56-63.
  27. Win, Y., Maw, S., & Aye, S. (2018). In-service teachers' perception towards education for sustainable development (ESD) in Myanmar. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.77.
  28. Lee, S., & Levinson, R. (2018). Exploring strategies for integrating education for sustainable development and convergence education in schools. Environmental Education, 31(2), pp.83-99.
  29. Lee, S., & Kim, S. (2018). Meeting and convergence between science education and Korean language education. The Education of Korean Language, 41, pp.343-375.
  30. Lee, S. (2018). The integration process of education for sustainable development and convergence education in schools through cases of sustainable schools in the UK. Research Journal of Graduate School of Education, Cheongju National University of Education, 23, pp.21-34.
  31. Lee, S. (2018). What networks do we want for environmental education and education for sustainable development: Implications from ENSI and TEEN. In C. Afforter, & A. Varga (Eds.), Environment and School Initiatives Lessons from the ENSI Network - Past, Present and Future (pp.249-257). Environment and School Initiatives, Vienna and Eszerhazy Karoly University, Budapest.
  32. Lee, S (2018). The vision and objectives of UNESCO ASPnet schools in Korea. In S. Yoo, S. Lee, B. Kwak, D. Kim, H. Park, & S. Park (Eds.), The Present and Future of UNESCO ASPnet Schools in Korea. Korea National Commission for UNESCO.
  33. Cha, Y., & Lee, S. et al. (2019). Yungbokhap Education for Teachers: Theory & Practice. Seoul: Hakjisa.
  34. Ju, H., Lee, J., Jung, S., Kwak, J., Son, Y., & Kim, K. (2018). An analysis of characteristics of collaboration among the participants of the Dreaming Eco School project. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, p.64.
  35. Lee, S. (2018). Scientific literacy, competencies and education for sustainable development towards a sustainable future. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, p.11.

【In Japanese】

  1. 加藤晴子, 加藤内藏進 (2019). 気候と音楽-歌から広がる文化理解とESD-. 協同出版, 全206頁.
  2. 濱木達也, 加藤内藏進, 大谷和男, 加藤晴子, 松本健吾 (2018). ドイツ付近の冬における日々の大きな気温変動に関する総観気候学的解析(冬の追い出しの行事「ファスナハト」における季節感に関連して). 岡山大学地球科学研究報告, No.25, pp.7-17.
  3. 加藤内藏進, 西川紗里, 中倉智美 (2018). 日本の秋から冬への季節の変化を捉える学際的指導法の開発(初冬の時雨に注目した附属中学校での実践). 岡山大学地球科学研究報告, No.25, pp.19-30.
  4. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, 赤木里香子, 大谷和男 (2019). ESD的視点の育成を意識した気候と文化理解教育との連携-北欧の気候と季節感を例とする大学での授業実践の報告-, 岡山大学教師教育開発センター紀要, No.9, pp.183-198.
  5. 土井徹 (2018). 小学校生活科教科書における“アメリカザリガニ”の記述の変遷. 日本科学教育学会年会論文要旨集, 42, pp.235-236.
  6. 土井徹, 岸本年郎 (2018). 外来種問題の現状と理科教科書の記載との比較. 日本理科教育学会第68回全国大会論文集, 第16号, p.381.
  7. 土井徹,林武広 (2018). 防災教育に関する教師たちの実態-研修実施後の自由記述より-, 日本地学教育学会第72回全国大会講演予稿集. pp.75-76.
  8. 能條歩 (2019). はぐくもう!自立型災害ボランティアマインド~自然災害と被災地支援~. NPO法人北海道自然体験活動サポートセンター, 全88頁.
  9. 能條歩, 田中住幸 (2018). とぎすまそう!安全への感覚~里山活動でのリスク管理~. NPO法人北海道自然体験活動サポートセンター, 全92頁.
  10. 能條歩, 中本貴規 (2018). 対話的な学びのための自然体験教育による「建設的コミュニケーション力」の育成~集団宿泊学習における野外教育プログラムの検討~. 北海道教育大学紀要(教育科学編), 69巻1号, pp.191-197.
  11. 岩崎裕, 能條歩, 佐藤玲奈 (2018). 東日本大震災以降の学生の防災・減災意識の変化と減災教育. 北海道教育大学紀要(教育科学編), 69巻1号, pp.205-214.
  12. 宮野純次 (2019). 京都の自然を活かした自然体験と環境教育の推進(1). 京都女子大学宗教・文化研究所研究紀要, 第32号, pp.37-49.
  13. 宮野純次 (2019). ドイツの初等・基礎領域における科学教育カリキュラム改革-学びの連続性の観点から-. 京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要, 第15号, pp.55-68.
  14. 鳥井元翔多, 渡邉重義 (2018). 多様性と共通性に注目したタマネギの表皮細胞の観察-細胞学習の教材研究からカリキュラム構想へ-. 日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 33(2), pp.31-26.
  15. 宮村景,渡邉重義 (2018). 被災地における中学校理科地学領域の学習研究~地域を多面的に捉えるための単元構想と教材開発~. 日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 33(2), pp.15-20.51.
  16. 市瀬智紀 (2018). ホールスクールアプローチにおける新たな可能性を切り拓く. 公益財団法人ユネスコ・アジア文化センター (ACCU) 編, サスティナブルスクール~ホールスクールアプローチで描く未来の学校, pp.64-66.

Research Presentation in International Conference and Seminar

  1. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Muslim, & Hariyono, E., ESD on curriculum and ESD in curriculum: A strategy to infuse ESD to the science teaching and learning activities in the classroom. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  2. Salsabila, E. R., Wijaya, A. F. C., & Winarno, N., Using ESD approach argument-driven inquiry to promote students’ concept mastery in learning global warming. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  3. Wijaya, A. F. C., Rusdiana, D., Hariyono, E., & Muslim, Students’ perception and the strategy of Infusing ESD on pre-service physics and science teacher curriculum in Indonesia. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  4. Wijaya, A. F. C., & Muslim, Education for sustainable development (ESD) learning material development for secondary school science curriculum. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  5. Fujii, H., Prospective science teachers' training programs incorporating ESD: Based on lesson study. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  6. Fujii, H., School-based ESD activity and professional learning community: Experiences in Japan. The 2018 the Teachers’ Council of Thailand Symposium, Bangkok: Thailand, Invited speech, 26th August 2018.
  7. Fujii, H. Development of science teachers’ training programs focused on ESD: Experiences in the Asian countries. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Keynote speech, 27th October 2018.
  8. Kato, K., Kato, H., & Otani, K., Interdisciplinary collaboration among climate and cultural understanding education for promoting the fundamental ESD literacy (A report of the lesson practice in the university on climate and “seasonal feeling” in the northern Europe). General Assembly 2019 of EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna: Austria, Poster presentation, 9th April 2018.
  9. Kuwana, Y., & Kato, K., Seasonal cycle of the cyclone activity around Europe (A case study for 2000). General Assembly 2019 of EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna: Austria, Poster presentation, 10th April 2019.
  10. Kato, K., & Kato, H., A trial of music composition on a theme of the marching season from spring to summer around the Japan Islands (An interdisciplinary class for the university students toward the cultural understanding in ESD). The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  11. Kato, K., Kuwana, Y., Morishia, H., Kato, H., & Otani, K., Toward the development of study programs on the seasonal cycles of weather and climate systems around Japan on ESD. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  12. Kato, K., Kato, H., Matsumoto, K., & Otani, K., Toward development of the lesson plans for promoting the ESD literacy in the teacher education on the climate systems including the interdisciplinary activity with cultural understanding. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  13. Doi, T., Comparison with the current state of the alien species problem and description of textbook in Japan. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  14. Doi, T., The Changes in students’ recognition through lessons about introduced species". International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  15. Ohshika, K., Development and practice of ESD program to understand local environmental issue by high school students. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  16. Furihata, S., & Kawamura, S., Possibility of using Omoshiro Jikken (The fascinating experiment) to teach science. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  17. Sasaki, H., Proposal of a procedure to make student teachers recognize their gained skills and competencies of ESD. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  18. Sasaki, H., An investigation of blended learning in at-home and in-school moral education using tablet PCs. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  19. Ichinose, T., Resilience of the school against disaster working with local community. International Workshop on Collective Community Action for Eco-watershed Mitigation to Floods and Drought, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in Asia and the Pacific, Islamabad: Pakistan, 1st May 2018.
  20. Ichinose, T., Introducing the enhancement of education for sustainable development by Miyagi University of Education. ESD International Program Meeting in Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri, Yogyakarta: Indonesia, 29th March 2018.
  21. Ichinose, T., Introduction of the effectiveness and barriers of school-enhancing education for sustainable development in Japan. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  22. Ichinose, T., An analysis of the recent Japanese education reform and education for sustainable development. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  23. Ichinose, T., Country report: Recent trend of education for sustainable development in Japan. The 5th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), 28th October 2018.
  24. Siboualipha, S., Integrating curriculum to address sustainability in Lao PDR. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  25. Siboualipha, S., & Chanhthamala, C., Integrating a curriculum for the secondary teacher education program which majored in biology at Bankeun Teacher Training College to address sustainability. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  26. Siboualipha, S., Re-orienting curriculum to address sustainability in Lao PDR. International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  27. Jalgalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Orsoo, O., Ochirbat, M., & Dembereldorj, U., Activities for sustainable future. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  28. Jalgalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., Orsoo, O., Ochirbat, M., & Dembereldorj, U., Implementation form of “Global Action Program” in school. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  29. Dembereldorj, U., Jalgalsaikhan, D., & Banzragch, B., Teacher education content framework on ESD-GAP. The International Seminar of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, 27th October 2018.
  30. Win, Y., & Maw, S., ESD practice in Myanmar education. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 9th June 2018.
  31. Win, Y., Maw, S., & Aye, S., In-service teachers' perception towards education for sustainable development (ESD) in Myanmar. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Toyama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2018.
  32. Lee, S., Scientific literacy, competencies and education for sustainable development towards a sustainable future. The International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education, Bandung: Indonesia, Invited lecture, 27th October 2018.
  33. Lee, S., Visions and objectives of UNESCO ASPnet schools of Korea. UNESCO Forum for Visions of UNESCO ASPnet Schools of Korea, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 13th October 2018.
  34. Lee, S., Education for sustainable development for SDGs. 2018 UNESCO ESD Policy Forum: Education for Sustainable Development in SDGs Era, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 7th December 2018.
  35. Kim, C., & Lee, S. et al., The 19th tripartite environmental education network meeting and environmental learning in Kita-Kyushu city in Japan. 2018-2 Korean Society for Environmental Education Conference, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 8th December 2018.1

Research Presentation in Domestic Conference and Seminar

  1. Cho, W., Lee, S., & Kwon, H., A study on decision-making process and change of elementary science learner through application of SSI teaching method. The 76th Winter Conference of Korea Elementary Science Education, Jeju: Korea, Oral presentation, 11th January 2019.
  2. Lee, H., Kim, H., Hong. M., & Lee, S., Analyzing the environmental perspectives in elementary textbooks of science and social science. The 76th Winter Conference of Korea Elementary Science Education, Jeju: Korea, Oral presentation, 11th January 2019.

【In Japanese】

  1. 藤井浩樹, ドイツのライプツィヒ動物園における生物多様性教育の取り組み. 日本科学教育学会第42回年会, 長野:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月18日.
  2. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, 大谷和男, ESD的視点の育成のための気候と音楽との連携(北欧の気候と季節感を例とする大学での授業実践の報告). 地域地理科学会大会, 岡山:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年7月1日.
  3. 加藤内藏進, 加藤晴子, ESD的視点を取り込んだ音楽と気候との学際的連携-ドイツ・北欧と日本の夏の違いに注目した大学での実践を例に-. 日本音楽教育学会第49回大会, 岡山:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年10月7日.
  4. 桑名佑典, 加藤内藏進, 低気圧活動からみるヨーロッパの季節サイクルに関する比較気象学的研究(2000年を例に). 日本気象学会秋季全国大会, 仙台:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年10月31日.
  5. 土井徹, 小学校生活科教科書における“アメリカザリガニ”の記述の変遷. 日本科学教育学会第42回年会, 長野:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月18日.
  6. 土井徹, 岸本年郎, 外来種問題の現状と理科教科書の記載との比較. 日本理科教育学会第68回全国大会, 盛岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月5日.
  7. 土井徹,林武広, 防災教育に関する教師たちの実態-研修実施後の自由記述より-. 日本地学教育学会第72回全国大会, つくば:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月25日.
  8. 能條歩, 自然現象としての地震と災害としての地震-平成30年胆振東部地震をふりかえる-. 日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会シンポジウム, 札幌:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年3月2日.
  9. 森千晶, 能條歩, 幼少期の直接体験が青年期のいじめ経験に与える影響. 日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会, 札幌:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年3月3日.
  10. 近江美久, 能條歩, 洞爺湖有珠山ジオパークにおける災害教育-事後学習から見る目的達成度-. 日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会, 札幌:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年3月3日.
  11. 南紗恵子, 能條歩, 子ども会におけるジュニアリーター活動の継続・阻害要因について. 日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会, 札幌:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年3月3日.
  12. 工藤瑠依, 能條歩, SDGs達成を目指す授業づくりに向けた一考察-小学校を例にして-. 日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会, 札幌:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年3月3日.
  13. 宮野純次, ドイツの初等・基礎領域における科学教育カリキュラム改革-学びの連続性の観点から-. 日本理科教育学会第68回全国大会, 盛岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月4日.
  14. 鳥井元翔多,渡邉重義, 多様性と共通性に注目したタマネギの細胞の観察-器官・組織の細胞の比較観察-. 日本理科教育学会九州支部大会, 大分:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年5月26日.
  15. 鳥井元翔多,渡邉重義, 多様性と共通性に注目したタマネギの細胞の観察2-根・茎・葉・花の細胞の比較-. 日本理科教育学会第68回全国大会, 盛岡:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年8月5日.
  16. 鳥井元翔多,渡邉重義, 多様性と共通性に注目したタマネギの表皮細胞の観察-細胞学習の教材研究からカリキュラム構想へ-. 平成30年度第2回日本科学教育学会研究会, 鹿児島:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年12月1日.
  17. 宮村景,渡邉重義, 被災地における中学校理科地学領域の学習研究~地域を多面的に捉えるための単元構想と教材開発~. 平成30年度第2回日本科学教育学会研究会, 鹿児島:日本, 口頭発表, 2018年12月1日.
  18. 鳥井元翔多,渡邉重義, 多様性と共通性の概念形成のためのカリキュラム・デザインとタマネギの細胞の観察に関する教材開発. 日本生物教育学会第103回全国大会, 刈谷:日本, 口頭発表, 2019年1月12日.

2017 Activity

Book, Journal Article and Conference Proceeding/Abstract

  1. Hariyono, E., Liliasari, Tjasyono, B., & Rusdiana, D. (2017). VLP simulation: An interactive simple virtual model to encourage geoscience skill about volcano. Journal of Physics Conference Series, No.895, pp.1-6.
  2. Nasanbuyan, S., & Dembereldorj, U. (2017). Integrating ESD on secondary school lesson and action. In Handbook for 10th, 5th, and 1st year teaching physics teacher’s professional development training, Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development, pp.15-33.
  3. Nasanbuyan, S., & Dembereldorj, U. (2017). How to integrate ESD on physics. In Handbook for 10th, 5th, and 1st year teaching physics teacher’s professional development training, Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development, pp.61-65.
  4. Dembereldorj, U. (2018). ESD and teachers’ continuous professional development. In Handbook for 1st year teaching physics, mathematics, biology, informatics teacher’s professional development training, Institute of Teacher’s Professional Development, pp.3-5.
  5. Banzragch, B., Jargalsaikhan, D., Dembereldorj, U., & Munkhuu, G. (2017). Proposal for a global action program on education for sustainable development in junior high school lesson and book for teachers. Ulaanbaatar: NUM Press.
  6. Jargalsaikhan, D., & Battulga, M. (2017). Application of GAP ideas for lessons of elementary school. Journal of Educational Research, 15, pp.108-113.
  7. Jargalsaikhan, D., & Purev, Z. (2018). Possibility to participate and importance of ESD project which is implementing in secondary school. Journal of Educational Research, 16, pp.82-87.
  8. Jargalsaikhan, D., & Munkhuu, G. (2017). Primary and secondary education reform policy 2011-2020 of science lesson. Proceedings of Taiwan-Mongolia Joint Forum on Science and Engineering Education Cooperation, pp.62-69.
  9. Lee, S., Kim, N., & Kwak, J. (2017). Quality criteria for ESD schools (Korean version). Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
  10. Ninomiya-Lim, S., Sakurai, R., Kim, C., Chang, T., Lee, S., & Furihata, S. (2017). Sharing, comparing, and developing environmental education in Asia: For the journey to be continued. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 26(4), pp.77-83.
  11. Lee, S., & Kim, N. (2017). Environmental education in schools of Korea: Context, development and challenges. Journal of Environmental Education, 26(4), pp.7-14.
  12. Ju, H. (2017). The meaning of youth participation in the perspective of sustainable community development. The Korean Journal of Environmental Education. 30(2), pp.156-170.
  13. Jang, M., & Ju, H. (2017). The past, present and future of Korean social environmental education. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 26(4), pp.27-32.
  14. Lee, J., Jung, S., Kwak, J., Son, Y., Ju, H., & Kim, K. (2018). Achievements and future tasks of “Dreaming Environment School” project for revitalizing school environmental education. The Korean Journal of Environmental Education, 31(1), pp.64-82.
  15. Fujii, H. (2017). Prospective science teachers’training program focused on ESD: Exploring desirable utilization of bioenergy. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, p.15.
  16. Onodera, K., Tanso, H., Umehara, N., & Fujii, H. (2017). Development of project-based lesson model in junior high school chemistry: Exploring desirable utilization of metals. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, p.17.
  17. Kawakami, S., Fujii, H., Kajiyama, K., & Hiramatsu, A. (2017). Japan-Korea cooperative lesson on the topic of plant factories in science education: Focus on promoting ESD competency. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, p.42.
  18. Ichinose, T. (2017). An analysis of transformation of Japanese schools that significantly addressed education for sustainable development. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 19(2), pp.36-50.
  19. Watanabe, S. (2017). Development of green chemistry lesson model based ESD. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, p.21.

【In Japanese】

  1. 藤井浩樹 (2017). ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教員養成プログラムの作成-授業科目「理科指導法開発」において-. 日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 31(7), pp.1-4.
  2. 藤井浩樹 (2017). ESDと理科をどうつなぐのか-授業づくりを考える-. 初等教育資料, No.948, pp.70-73.
  3. 藤井浩樹 (2017). 理科の教員養成におけるESD関連授業の開発-授業研究を基盤として-. 課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」, 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.84.
  4. 鎌田正裕 (2017). ESDの視点を取り入れた教師用放射線教育. 課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」, 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.81.
  5. 土井徹 (2017). ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育の事例-外来種問題について考える教員養成における授業-. 課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」, 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.82.
  6. 渡邉重義 (2017). 理科教員養成におけるESDの視点を取り入れた演習の導入-ESDと理科学習をつなぐ授業アイデアの構想と生き物マップづくり-, 課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」, 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.83.
  7. 小野寺かれん, 藤井浩樹 (2017). Place-Based Educationの視点に立った理科教育-小学校理科の授業づくりの構想-. 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.238.
  8. 川上真, 藤井浩樹, 渡辺俊一朗, 井上純一, 平松敦史, 樋口洋仁, 梶山耕成 (2017). ESDコンピテンシーとしての意思決定能力の育成-植物工場を題材とした高等学校理科の授業開発-. 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.239.
  9. 川井健, 藤井浩樹 (2017). フランス小学校理科教科書におけるESDテーマの取り扱い. 日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集, 第15号, p.401.
  10. 草地大暉, 小野寺かれん, 藤井浩樹, 土井徹 (2017). 共生についての理解を図るための小学校理科の実践研究-第3学年「こん虫のかんさつ」の単元において-. 第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会発表論文集, p.15.
  11. 板谷拓海, 川上真, 藤井浩樹 (2017). 欧州のSAILSプロジェクトにおける探究学習-燃料の単元を事例にして-. 第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会発表論文集, p.16.
  12. 樫原理貴, 小野寺かれん, 藤井浩樹, 土井徹 (2017). 四季の変化と生き物のつながりの理解を図るための授業研究-小学校第4学年「ツバメがやって来る時期」の授業実践を通して-, 第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会発表論文集, p.23.
  13. 加藤内藏進・加藤晴子・三宅昭二・森泰三(2017).日本の気候環境と愛唱歌などにみる季節感に関する高校での学際的授業の開発(冬を挟む日本の季節進行の非対称性に注目して),岡山大学地球科学研究報告,23巻,pp.5-18.
  14. 林武広・土井徹(2018).中学校理科・高等学校理科の学習内容の検討―防災に関する教科書の記述について―,比治山大学紀要,第24号,pp.103-109.
  15. 能條歩(2017).あなたにもできる!環境教育・ESD,NPO法人北海道自然体験活動サポートセンター,全80頁.
  16. 能條歩(2017).人と自然をつなぐ教育Ⅲ-こどものキャンプと登山-,NPO法人北海道自然体験活動サポートセンター,全160頁.
  17. 圓谷昂史・添田雄二・栗原憲一・加瀬善洋・鈴木明彦・能條歩・畠誠・林圭一・廣瀬亘・大津直(2018).北海道北広島市西の里で認められた第四系の地質年代,北海道博物館,3巻,pp.143-161.
  18. 中本貴規・南隆尚・能條歩(2018).アサーショントレーニングと野外活動の関係性,鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要,32巻,pp.19-25.
  19. 宮野純次(2018).地域の自然を活用した自然体験と環境教育の取り組み(2),京都女子大学宗教・文化研究所研究紀要,31号,pp. 51-61.
  20. 宮野純次(2018).コンピテンシー指向のドイツの初等理科-範例的な学習事例-,京都女子大学発達教育学部紀要,14号,pp.19-27.
  21. 渡邉重義(2017).ESDの視点を取り入れた理科教員養成の試み,熊本大学教育学部紀要,66号,pp.335-342.

Research Presentation in International Conference and Seminar

  1. Fujii, H., Prospective science teachers’training program focused on ESD: Exploring desirable utilization of bioenergy. The 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, Seoul: Korea, Keynote Lecture, 27th July 2017.
  2. Onodera, K., Tanso, H., Umehara, N., & Fujii, H., Development of project-based lesson model in junior high school chemistry: Exploring desirable utilization of metals. The 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 27th July 2017.
  3. Kawakami, S., Fujii, H., Kajiyama, K., & Hiramatsu, A., Japan-Korea cooperative lesson on the topic of plant factories in science education: Focus on promoting ESD competency. The 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 27th July 2017.
  4. Watanabe, S., Development of green chemistry lesson model based ESD. The 7th Conference of Network for Inter-Asian Chemistry Educators, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 27th July 2017.
  5. Kawakami, S., Fujii, H., Kajiyama, K., & Hiramatsu, A., High school science lessons for promoting ESD competency: A focus on plant factories. European Science Education Research Association 2017 Conference, Dublin: Ireland, Oral presentation, 21st August 2017.
  6. Umezu, T., Kawai, K., Fujii, H., & Doi, T., Science lesson in elementary school focused on immigration of alien species. European Science Education Research Association 2017 Conference, Dublin: Ireland, Oral presentation, 23rd August 2017.
  7. Onodera, K. & Fujii, H., Use of folk tales in school science focusing on place–based education. European Science Education Research Association 2017 Conference, Dublin: Ireland, Poster presentation, 23rd August 2017.
  8. Kato, K. & Kato, H., A trial of music composition work on the theme of the marching season from spring to summer (An interdisciplinary class between music and climate education for the university students). General Assembly 2018 of EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna: Austria, Poster presentation, 27th April 2017.
  9. KJargalsaikhanuwana, Y., Otani, K., Matsumoto, K., & Kato, K., A case study on the cyclone activity around Europe from winter to spring of 2000 (From the view of comparison with that in East Asia). General Assembly 2018 of EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna: Austria, Poster presentation, 28th April 2017.
  10. Wijaya, A. F. C., Perception of education for sustainable development (ESD) in science education among prospective physics teacher in Indonesia. Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education International Seminar, Bandung: Indonesia, Oral presentation, October 2017.
  11. Lee, S., Integrating education for sustainable development into science education: Introduction & cases of science education. International Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development for Interdisciplinary Studies, Taipei: Taiwan, 16th February 2017.
  12. Lee, S., Efforts of regional revitalization based on ESD in Korea. International Symposium on Local Revitalization based on ESD initiatives, Tokyo: Japan, 11th November 2017.
  13. Fujii, H., Development of prospective teachers' training programs focused on ESD: Experiences in Japan. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  14. Kawai, K. & Fujii, H., Topics of ESD in textbooks of elementary school science in France: Focusing on preservation of biodiversity. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  15. Kawakami, S., Fujii, H., Watanabe, S, Inoue, J., Hiramatsu, A., & Kajiyama, K., Fostering decision-making as an ESD competency: A senior high school science lesson on plant factories. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  16. Kato, K., Kato, H., Hamaki, H., & Otani, K., An interdisciplinary class for university students on the comparison of the climate and “seasonal feeling” in winter between Germany and Japan (A trial of joint activity toward the climate and cultural understanding education in ESD). 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  17. Kato, K., Saino, H., Matsumoto, K., & Tsuchida, T., Toward development of the study plan on climate and its variation with attention to the daily fluctuation and variety of precipitation characteristics in the regionally different seasonal cycles. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  18. Iwasaki, Y. & Nojo, A., Survey on disaster awareness and the disaster education after the Great East Japan Earthquake. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  19. Watanabe, S., Activity of making a creatures map in surroundings for ESD in a pre-service elementary teacher training. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  20. Ichinose, T., Introduction of the holistic and pluralistic approach for the teacher training of Education for Sustainable Development. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  21. Sasaki, H., Paradigm shift of professional education of ESD to reflective practice based on constructivism. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  22. Urabe, M., How can teachers show students a visible model of ESD to analyze the learning contents? 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  23. Wijaya, A. F. C. & Rusdiana, D., Indonesia country report: What we have, what we done, and how we will evolve. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  24. Wijaya, A. F. C. & Rusdiana, D., Reorienting pre-service physics teacher curriculum: Infusing Education for Sustainable Development with a critical and transformative model. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  25. Siboualipha, S. & Southamavong, C., Good practices of integrating Education for Sustainable Development into primary and secondary education curriculum in Lao PDR. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  26. Siboualipha, S., Southamavong, C., Phavathsady, O., Vilayvanh, M., & Oudonxai, S., Development of lower secondary school students’learning science through lesson study in the concept of ESD. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  27. Dembereldorj, U., Jargalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., & Nasanbuyan, S. Current situation ESD in Mongolia. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  28. Jargalsaikhan, D., Banzragch, B., & Dembereldorj, U., Implementing sustainable development education in the professional university teacher training program. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  29. San San Maw & Yin Mar Win, ESD teacher training in Myanmar. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  30. Yin Mar Win & San San Maw, ESD research in Myanmar education sector. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  31. Lee, S. & Kim, C., Teacher education for ESD in Korea. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 10th June 2017.
  32. Kim, C. & Lee, S., Reviewing research on ESD in Korea and implications for teacher education. 1st Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Oral presentation, 11th June 2017.
  33. Fujii, H., Formation of international center of excellence to promote teacher education on ESD. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 24th November 2017.
  34. Kato, K., Kato, H., Uno, K. & Otani, K, An approach to ESD teacher training through the interdisciplinary climate education connecting between natural environment and cultural understanding. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  35. Kuwabara, T., The purpose and problems of promoting ESD on the basis of the cooperation of a university and community. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  36. Wijaya, A. F. C. & Hariyono, E., ESD literacy development through in-service and pre-service teacher programs in Indonesia. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  37. Siboualipha, S. & Southamavong, C., Embedding curriculum to address sustainability at Bankeun Teacher Training College, Lao PDR. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  38. Banzragch, B., Jargalsaikhan, D., & Dembereldorj, U., Integrating the concept of Education for Sustainable Development -Global Action Program into physics teachers training curriculum. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  39. Dembereldorj, U., Jargalsaikhan, D., & Banzragch, B., Implementation form of Global Action Program in school. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  40. Yin Mar Win & San San Maw, Current situation and future plan of ESD teacher training in Myanmar. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 25th November 2017.
  41. Lee, S., Trends and direction of teacher education for education for sustainable development. 2nd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Ulan Bator: Mongolia, Oral presentation, 24th November 2017.
  42. Furihata, S., A challenge for promoting teacher education on ESD - Preservice teacher training at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Special lecture, 4th March 2018.
  43. Brunhilde, M., From theory to practice – In-service teacher training for ESD in primary science education at the University of Bremen. 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Special lecture, 4th March 2018.
  44. Fujii, H., Progress of the JSPS core-to-core program “Formation of International Center of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education on ESD”. 3rd Meeting of the Asian Network to Promote Teacher Education on ESD, Okayama: Japan, Report & external review, 4th March 2018.

Research Presentation in Domestic Conference and Seminar

  1. Ju, H., The meaning of youth participation in the perspective of sustainable community development. The Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Environmental Education, Seoul: Korea, Oral presentation, 3rd June 2017.

【In Japanese】

  1. 藤井浩樹,ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教員養成プログラムの作成-授業科目「理科指導法開発」において-,日本科学教育学会2016年度第7回研究会,就実大学,口頭発表,2017年6月3日.
  2. 藤井浩樹,理科の教員養成におけるESD関連授業の開発-授業研究を基盤として-,課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月6日.
  3. 鎌田正裕,ESD の視点を取り入れた教師用放射線教育,課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月6日.
  4. 土井徹,ESD の視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育の事例-外来種問題について考える教員養成における授業-,課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月6日.
  5. 渡邉重義,理科教員養成におけるESD の視点を取り入れた演習の導入-ESD と理科学習をつなぐ授業アイデアの構想と生き物マップづくり-,課題研究「ESDの視点を取り入れた理科の教師教育」,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月6日.
  6. 小野寺かれん・藤井浩樹,Place-Based Educationの視点に立った理科教育-小学校理科の授業づくりの構想-,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月5日.
  7. 川上真・藤井浩樹・渡辺俊一朗・井上純一・平松敦史・樋口洋仁・梶山耕成,ESDコンピテンシーとしての意思決定能力の育成-植物工場を題材とした高等学校理科の授業開発-,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月5日.
  8. 川井健・藤井浩樹,フランス小学校理科教科書におけるESDテーマの取り扱い,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月6日.
  9. 草地大暉・小野寺かれん・藤井浩樹・土井徹,共生についての理解を図るための小学校理科の実践研究-第3学年「こん虫のかんさつ」の単元において-,第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会,鳥取大学,口頭発表,2017年11月18日.
  10. 板谷拓海・川上真・藤井浩樹,欧州のSAILSプロジェクトにおける探究学習-燃料の単元を事例にして-,第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会,鳥取大学,口頭発表,2017年11月18日.
  11. 樫原理貴・小野寺かれん・藤井浩樹・土井徹,四季の変化と生き物のつながりの理解を図るための授業研究-小学校第4学年「ツバメがやって来る時期」の授業実践を通して-,第66回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会,鳥取大学,口頭発表,2017年11月18日.
  12. 藤井浩樹,岡山大学が進めるESD教師教育の国際研究拠点の構築,日本ESD学会2017年度中国地方大会,岡山大学,口頭発表,2017年12月10日.
  13. 加藤内藏進・加藤晴子・濱木達也・大谷和男,身近でない気候環境や文化の理解を促す学習へ向けた学際的取り組み(日本列島との比較の視点でみるドイツの冬の気候と季節感を例とする大学での授業実践),日本地学教育学会第71回全国大会,神戸大学,口頭発表,2017年9月16日.
  14. 加藤内藏進・才野博紀・森下秀城・松本健吾・槌田知恭・桑名佑典・杉村裕貴,季節サイクルの中での日々の変動や降水特性にも注目した気象・気候の学習プラン構築に向けて(ESD的視点の育成の観点から),日本地学教育学会第71回全国大会,神戸大学,ポスター発表,2017年9月16日.
  15. 加藤晴子・加藤内藏進,ESD教育を視点とした音楽科と理科の連携-小中学校や大学教員養成課程での実践に向けて-,日本音楽教育学会第48回大会,愛知教育大学,口頭発表,2017年10月22日.
  16. 加藤内藏進・宇野康司,「大陸形成史の中でみる現在の日本の気候環境」に関する教育学部での学際的授業の試み(季節サイクルに関する比較気候学的視点も交えて),日本地学教育学会第71回全国大会,神戸大学,ポスター発表,2017年9月16日.
  17. 山口拓朗・加藤内藏進・森下秀城・大谷和男・松本健吾,北陸の平野部における降雪の長期変動に関わる日々の多降雪時の大気場の総観気候学的解析(その2),日本気象学会秋季全国大会,北海道大学,口頭発表,2017年11月2日.
  18. 桑名佑典・加藤内藏進,ヨーロッパにおける低気圧活動の季節サイクル(2000年を例に),日本気象学会秋季全国大会,北海道大学,口頭発表,2017年11月1日.
  19. 森下秀城・加藤内藏進・阿部加奈,11月初め頃における日本付近での冬型出現頻度の季節的増加と広域場の背景(1995年の事例を中心に),日本地理学会春季学術大会,東京学芸大学,口頭発表,2018年3月22日.
  20. 林武広・土井徹・藤川義範,小学校教員現職研修としての防災に関する連携授業-土砂災害を中心に-,日本災害情報学会第19回学会大会,京都大学,口頭発表,2017年10月.
  21. 能條歩,環境教育とSDGs,日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会,北海道教育大学,口頭発表,2018年3月3日.
  22. 岩崎裕・能條歩,東日本大震災以降の学生の防災意識の変化と防災教育,日本環境教育学会北海道支部研究大会,北海道教育大学,口頭発表,2018年3月4日.
  23. 中本貴規・能條歩,自然との距離を縮めるプログラムによる建設的コミュニケーション力の育成,日本環境教育学会第28回年次大会,岩手大学,口頭発表,2017年9月2日.
  24. 岩崎裕・能條歩,東日本大震災以降の学生の防災意識の変化と防災教育に対する評価,日本環境教育学会第28回年次大会,岩手大学,口頭発表,2017年9月2日.
  25. 宮野純次,コンピテンシー指向のドイツの初等理科―範例的な学習事例―,日本理科教育学会第67回全国大会,福岡教育大学,口頭発表,2017年8月5日.